Before requesting and using any information, you should read and understand the terms and conditions of use applicable to this site.
Requesting Individual Reports
For those interested in obtaining a particular report based on the data but who don’t want to get into the ins and outs of genealogy data and software, you can fill in the form at the bottom of the page giving the following details:
- Type of report (genogram, ancestor, or fan)
- Focus person
- Other information to include (report title, extra text, etc)
All reports will be produced in PDF format.
All of these examples use William Squire Hurwood (d. 1939) as the nominated individual:
Genogram report

Ancestor report
Fan report
Important Information
The following guidelines will be followed for every request:
- I will attempt to answer every query and will no make no charge for the service
- All reports will only be delivered electronically
- In order to protect the data of living individuals, only ancestor-style reports will be considered and the starting individual must have a death date recorded in the database